The social awakening of 1989ff. also generated hopes in Wittenberg that the university could be reestablished as in Erfurt and Frankfurt/Oder, where it finally succeeded. However, the state of Saxony-Anhalt was already well supplied with universities. There is also a half-circle of seven universities within a one-hour radius of Wittenberg – from Leipzig, Halle and Magdeburg to Potsdam and Berlin.
As a substitute, the Leucorea Foundation was established in Wittenberg as a foundation at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg – an institution for meeting and research, but without its own study programs. Other institutions of higher education and science that had existed before continue to enrich Wittenberg’s institution landscape, and over the years a number of institutions have been added.
Thus, compared to other medium-sized towns of its size, Wittenberg today has a remarkable landscape of scientific institutions.
Peer Pasternack/Axel Müller: Wittenberg als Bildungsstandort. Eine exemplarische Untersuchung zur Wissensgesellschaft in geografischen Randlagen. Gutachten zum IBA-„Stadtumbau Sachsen-Anhalt 2010“-Prozess, Institut für Hochschulforschung (HoF), Halle-Wittenberg 2005
Uwe Grelak/Peer Pasternack: Lutherstadt Wittenberg: „Campus Wittenberg“, in: dies., Die Bildungs-IBA. Bildung als Problembearbeitung im demografischen Wandel: Die Internationale Bauausstellung „Stadtumbau Sachsen-Anhalt 2010“, Akademische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2014, pp. 93–117
Stadt Wittenberg (Hg.): Integriertes Stadtentwicklungskonzept Wittenberg 2030+. Kapitel 8: Wissenschafts- und Kongressstandort, Bildung und Kultur, Wittenberg 2019, pp. 129–139
Reformation and Reformation Effects | Language Care | Contemporary History 20th Century | Higher Education and Science Development | Knowledge and Region | Business Ethics | Saxony-Anhalt | Wittenberg | Agrochemistry | Medicine | Technology
Network „Science-in-Wittenberg“ | Cultural and Social Sciences | Natural Sciences | Temporary Facilities